Britney’s New Bike

Book Details
Title: Britney’s New Bike
Author: JJ Job

About the Book:

Britney moved to a new neighborhood. Britney is a timid and silent child. One day, her pet bird, Maya, flew away. While she was looking for Maya outside, she bumped into Lisa. Lisa found Maya and returned her to Britney. Britney and Lisa became best friends. Britney overcame her fears and learned to ride a bike. Her parents, seeing that Britney enjoys learning to ride a bike, surprise her with a new bike as a gift.

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Once Upon A Mother

Book Details
Title: Once Upon A Mother: The untold tales of motherhood
Author: Chizobam Ekwerike-Oluikpe

About the Book:

Once Upon A Mother – The Untold Tales of Motherhood is a personal perspective on the transition to motherhood. It is a sneak peek into motherhood. I write about things that I wish I could have read or heard years ago before stepping into my new role as a mother to two beautiful kids – from the long and highly unpredictable journey to the exasperating Nightwatch to postpartum sex, toddlerhood and the inevitable accidents. Once Upon A Mother offers a realistic and balanced view of this biggest gamble called motherhood, using local parlance and a healthy dose of humour. I hope new moms can connect and relate to my experiences, and perhaps draw some strength and consolation.

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Her Back On Different

Book Details
Title: Her Back On Different
Author: Anthonia Oluwatumininu Elemoso

About the Book:

She was always the odd one out in spite her efforts to fit in.

The frantic search for love and companionship made Leah offer her all to every tom, dick and Harry that offered an iota of what she needed.

Sadly, the “gentlemen” do not have the faintest idea of what love is.

Every time she got a footing after a fall, any “perfect gentleman” who crosses her path; sways her off her footing with enchanting words and beautiful gifts which leads to offering her best only to be disappointed again.

Is there hope for Leah?
Who is the perfect lover?
Who will validate her love?
Will she find her perfect love?
Who will love her with all her imperfections?
Does this sound like your story, or someone you know?

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Book Details
Author: B. W. Evans

About the Book:

What would you do if you had four wishes? Being that I am Zoe and Bella’s granddad I would wish for the sister to have a long and happy life. But what would my grand daughters wish for,? Bella whispered “Papa “I wish to be a princess living ion the top floor of a castle overlooking the ocean, The top floor would be full of my art work. and people would come from miles to look at my art. Zoe was more into the preforming arts “I would wish to be like Julia Roberts winning an Oscar and being admired by the entire acting community.

Those wishes are fine for little girls but what would happen if the wishes went crazy .Lets say you wished for a nice sweet puppy and ended up with a pack of hungry wolves, If you made a wish like that , how would you get rid of it? That is something Zoe and Bella are about to find out. in THE FOUR WISHES.

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Tella is testing

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