Super English: A Smart Guide To English Language Usage الطريقة المثالية لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية

Book Details:
Title: Small Business Big Money
Author: Akin Alabi

About the Book:

This book contains a story divided into three sections. The first section is easy and it contains the repetition of the most used sentences and words that constitute a large and daily part of the English language. The second section of the book delves into the medium level of difficulty in which it is exposed to advanced words and grammar. The third section, in which we review the advanced rules and more varied words. In this book, we try to present a story with interesting events and a sequence of grammar in a balanced manner, from easy to difficult. Then we intensify and diversify the formation of words. With each word you’ll find its own base color. It takes hold of your mind that colors symbolize a constant meaning for every part of a sentence. Whenever you read a sentence, your mind will compose the sentence based on the division you have experienced in this book.هذا الكتاب يتضمن قصة تم تقسيمها الى ثلاثة اقسام. القسم الاول السهل وفيه تكرار أهم الجمل والكلمات التي تشكل جزء كبير ويومي للغة الانجليزية. القسم الثاني من الكتاب يتعمق في المستوى متوسط الصعوبة وفيه يتم التعرض لكلمات متقدمة وقواعد لغة أكثر. القسم الثالث وفيه نستعرض القواعد المتقدمة وكلمات اكثر تنوع. نحاول في هذا الكتاب أن نستعرض قصة بأحداث شيقة وتسلسل في قواعد اللغة بشكل متوازن من السهل الى الاصعب. ومن ثم نكثف و ننوع في تشكيل الكلمات. مع كل كلمة ستجد لها لون قواعدي خاص بها. يترسخ في مخك أن الألوان ترمز لمعنى ثابت لكل جزء من الجملة. عندما تقرأ الجملة في أي موضع سيقوم عقلك بتركيب الجملة بناء على التقسيم الذي اعتدت عليه في هذا الكتاب.

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Book Details:
Title: Concealed
Author: Ayo Olufemi

About the Book:

This is it! I wish I could hold it back; I wish I could seal my mouth and not pour out my emotions. To some people, this might be a cliché, but to others who can relate, I’m sure they would see themselves in my story.

Whether you are a parent who might have been extremely harsh and abusive toward your child, or those children who were victims of child neglect, abasement, and as a result might have suffered some horrible childhood experiences, I hope this book has met you at a very good time.

It is a time for self-reflection, a time when you can look deep down and employ mental exercise as you heal, and forgive everyone who has hurt you, and then forgive yourself.

This is the final straw, as I begin to self-reflect; as I begin to draw the curtain down, as I begin to exit the stage of this emotional out pour, I want to leave the past in the past.

This story must be told so that I can concentrate on what is in for me now, and what the future holds, a brighter life ahead. The euphoria of a better tomorrow has been the motivation that had kept me till this moment. I will get there, we will all get there.

I believe!

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Eat More Colors

Book Details:
Title: Eat More Colors: A Fun Educational Rhyming Book About Healthy Eating and Nutrition for Kids, Vegan Book, Colorful Pictures, Fun Facts
Author: Breon Williams

About the Book:

Teach Your Children The Importance Of A Balanced Diet & Healthy Lifestyle – The Fun Way!

Are you the parent of a young, adorable little boy or girl? Congratulations!

Wouldn’t you want your child to learn all about the amazing benefits of eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle, in a fun, playful, and educational way?

If that’s the case, then this wonderful book is exactly what you need!

Eat More Colors – A Children’s Illustrated Guide To Eating Right & Healthy!

Writing in a simple, yet highly entertaining way, author Breon Williams manages to convey the importance of a healthy lifestyle in a way any child would love.

Full of witty rhymes and beautiful illustrations that teach about the benefits of colorful fruits and vegetables, Eat More Colors is a great way to teach your children how to eat healthy and naturally – from a very young age!

Dozens Of Pages Full Of Wonderfully Cute Children’s Illustrations

Even if your little angel is too young to read, this doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from this wonderful educational children’s book.

Filled cover to cover with colorful, beautifully drawn sketches and illustrations, Eat More Colors is a great book you can enjoy even with your toddler, teaching them about various shapes, different colors, fruits, vegetables, and more!

A Great Educational & Fun Gift Idea For Young Children

If you’re looking for a fun and educational gift for a little boy or girl, well, you’ve just found it! This amazing children’s book would make a great present any kid and parent would love!

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Find Your Passion And Take Action

Book Details:
Title: Find Your Passion And Take Action
Author: Uche Akeeb

About the Book:

Uche Akeeb used her life story to explain the main factor and circumstances that can influence the discovery of your talents and how to follow through. This book analyzes how to discover your gifts, talents, and purpose, then build the confidence and courage to act on it. Every chapter is filled with motivation and life-changing insights.

Here is a preview of what you will learn:
-Uncovering your passion
-Trusting the Journey because everything happens for a reason.
-The power of passion
-Believing in yourself and seeking a positive environment.
-Visualizing success.

You will find every chapter motivational and refreshing!

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Matemática 6to Grado (Spanish Edition)

Book Details:
Title: Matemática 6to Grado (Spanish Edition)
Author: Camilo Quiñones Gracía

About the Book:

Libro de Matemática para alumnos de 6to grado con 500 problemas variados los cuales ayudan al alumno a desarrollar un pensamiento crítico, mejorar su lectura comprensiva y aumentar su capacidad de análisis. Estos libros son un Excelente complemento para cualquier alumno de Latinoamérica que reciba Matemática en Español.

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